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Health & pharmaceuticals

Whether you are a public health analyst interested in modeling the health impacts and risks of meat and poultry products or a pharmaceutical company looking to manage the risk and return from the portfolio of your research and development projects, you will find Analytica is an ideal tool for quantifying these issues, and managing the uncertainties. To learn about how organizations are using Analytica in these industries, please see a couple of the case studies listed below.

CITL finds $44 billion in healthcare savings

Computerized order entry software in US health clinics could avoid 2 million adverse drug reactions and reduce costs by $44 billion per year.


Is bike sharing good for your health?

City bike share programs are popular methods of improving health, but with increased injury risks and exposure to pollutants, do they actually have a positive effect on health?


Is farmed salmon safe?

By comparing the risks and health benefits of farmed salmon, Finnish analysts show that eating farmed salmon is much healthier than eating beef and other animal proteins.


The deadly pillow fallacy

On the surface it seems absurd that a pillow could cause all that death and disease. But, you should be careful not to let your preconceived beliefs taint your analysis of the data.


Voluntary vs. mandatory testing for naval crew selection

As COVID-19 testing becomes a routine part of doing business, some operations face the question of whether testing should be mandatory or voluntary.


Early COVID-19 decay rates for countries that have peaked

In previous articles [C20a, H20], my colleague and I have written about how the number of cases and deaths from COVID-19 follows a triangle shape over time when plotted with...


Adjusting the Santa Clara County COVID-19 Antibody testing study results for self-selection bias

The infection fatality rate (IFR) of COVID-19 is one of the most important parameters for mathematical models of the pandemic, yet it remains largely a mystery because we don’t...


The Suppression Triangle for COVID-19: How soon can we end the lockdown?

The COVID-19 pandemic has given many people a crash course in the frightening implications of rapid exponential growth in cases and deaths – what some people call “J-curves”...


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Health & pharmaceuticals clients