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Scripting languages, Python & R

People building quantitative models typically find it much faster to build them in Analytica than in scripting and programming languages like Python, R, C++, Julia, and so on. But sometimes they want to use special functions, statistical methods, available in Python or R libraries. Or they may want to link an Analytica model to an existing program.

Here are some examples explaining how you can use special functions available in scripting language libraries or link to an Analytica model from an existing program.

Computer programming in English (Part 2)

In a previous article (part 1), we introduced the new paradigm of computer programming in English and demonstrated one example. In this article, we continue...


Computer programming in English (Part 1)

We explore a new paradigm for programming computers directly in English without any formal coding language at all. We do this by prompting a Large Language...


Converting greenhouse gases into animal feed

Methanotrophic bacteria may be able to both replace fishmeal and provide incentivize to capture potent greenhouse gases that are directly emitted into the atmosphere.


An Analytica advantage over MATLAB

I’m working on a model translation project for the California Energy Commission, going from MATLAB to Analytica. The transportation system model I’m working...


Using Python to parse a Shapefile

A shapefile (*.shp) is a binary file format used by Geographic Information Systems (GIS). I used an existing Python library (Fiona) to read and parse a shape file, and then...


How to call a Python function from Analytica

I found it pretty easy to call a Python function from Analytica using COM automation. The Component Object Model (COM) integration functionality comes included with the Analytica...


Analytica and Cognitive Radio

The more I learn about our Analytica users, the more I discover that “those who like it, like it a lot” (to borrow a slogan from a brewery back home in Canada).


Using the Analytica Decision Engine (ADE) from Python

Today I interacted with an Analytica from Python, which for me was my first time doing so. To do so, I used the Analytica Decision Engine (ADE), which bundles the core Analytica...


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Scripting languages, Python & R clients